Lipoma Treatment in kukatpally
Lipoma is fatty undergrowth that is situated under the skin. They form primarily on your face, thighs, and upper body. They are typically over 1 inch wide, and you can have more than one lump on your body.
Lipoma Treatment in kukatpally
The exact cause of lipoma formation is still unknown, though it is a genetic condition. A lipoma feels doughy and rubbery when you touch it and can move a little. Lipoma is harmless but resembles a cancerous lump and may sometimes give pain when pressed against the nerves or if it contains blood vessels.
Therefore, when you identify a lump on your skin, it is better to consult a doctor. The doctor will take a medical history and perform a physical examination. To rule out certain other cases like cancer, they may run tests like CT and MRI scans.
Many people care little about lipomas unless they are painful or form in the visible area of the skin. Doctors use steroids to shrink the lipoma, but they do not help in obliterating the lipoma. However, the doctor may suggest its removal by surgery or liposuction if you want it removed.