Hysterectomy surgery in Kukatpally

Visit the Best Surgeon for Hysterectomy surgery in Kukatpally
Many women undergo the Hysterectomy surgery in Kukatpally, where the uterus is surgically removed permanently. It is a significant gynecological procedure and the second most common operation for women worldwide. This is simply because the uterus tends to acquire a number of uterine-related health difficulties as a woman ages and approaches menopause, including heavy vaginal bleeding, blackouts, etc.
Some women experience frequent urinary tract infections as well as difficulties urinating and defecating due to the uterus shifting from its normal position. Uterine prolapse is the term for this.
Hysterectomy, or the removal of the uterus, is required in either of these situations. It guarantees rapid relief and offers the complete and irrevocable remedy to uterine issues. The Hysterectomy surgery in Kukatpally done by professional surgeons ensures women don’t face any medical issues during and after the surgery.

Hysterectomy surgeons in Kukatpally

Three Ways Hysterectomy surgeons in Kukatpally Conducts the Surgery
There are three common ways to Hysterectomy surgeon in Kukatpally conducts the surgery:

  • Abdominal Hysterectomy– In this, the uterus is manually removed, during which your gynecologist makes an open cut incision in your lower abdomen. After applying self-dissolving sutures to heal the wound, a significant recovery should be visible in 5–6 weeks.
  • Vaginal hysterectomy: This procedure is only used specifically when there is uterine prolapse. Your gynecologist removes the prolapsing uterus from the vaginal channel in this instance. The treatment is less complicated than an abdominal hysterectomy, and in one to two weeks, a full recovery is possible.
  • Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy (TLH): A laparoscope is a tiny, specialized catheter with a camera and light on its end that is used to remove the uterus in this procedure.

The Hysterectomy surgeon in Kukatpally has a medical coordinator who will assist in every step of the surgery ensuring, you get the best treatment. So connect with the leading and professional surgeon for Hysterectomy surgery in Kukatpally.