Fever hospital in Kukatpally is a common illness that occurs when the body temperature rises above the normal range (36-37 °C). When the temperature shoots beyond this range, the person may feel chills until the fever subsides. Factors like food habits, sleeping patterns, time of the day, and individual factors can also affect temperature. Fever occurs whenever the immune system of the body encounters a foreign body.

An increase in body temperature is a defense mechanism by which a human body adapts. Most times, fevers subside after a few days when the body fights off external elements by producing antibodies successfully. In some instances, the body’s immune system is incapable of producing antibodies to fight certain rare bacteria and viruses. In such cases, the patient needs medication under the supervision of trained doctors.

Fever Hospital in kukatpally


  • Sweating
  • Shivering
  • Headache
  • Dehydration
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Muscle pain
  • Fatigue

Types of Fever

 Best Fever Hospital in kukatpally

Dengue Fever:

  • It is a mosquito-borne disease caused by the dengue virus.

  • Infected patients suffer from sudden high fever, severe headaches, severe joint and muscle pain, bleeding in gums and nose and skin rashes.

  • These symptoms can be mistaken for common flu or any other viral infection when they are in a milder form.


  • Malaria is a life-threatening fever that is transmitted by female anopheles mosquitoes.

  • Plasmodium virus, also known as ‘Malarial Vectors,’ is responsible for the infection.

  • The symptoms in a non-immune person show up 10-15 days after the infection.

  • They include fever, headache and chills. In some instances where it doesn’t receive enough medical attention, it can result in death.



  • Chikungunya is a viral infection transmitted by mosquitoes carrying the chikungunya virus.

  • It is identified by sudden onset of fever, severe joint pains and swelling around the joints.

  • The symptoms usually appear within 2 to 7 days after being infected.

  • Many times, the symptoms subside within a week through the joint pain persists for months, and rarely it turns fatal.


  • It is a newly discovered viral infection that is caused by a novel coronavirus.

  • If a person is suffering from fever accompanied by dry cough and difficult breathing, it is suggested to consult the nearby medical facility.

  • Older people and those with health conditions like diabetes, respiratory problems and cancer are more likely to be affected severely.

  • Wearing masks and following social distancing rules can prevent infection to the extent possible.

    Best hospital in kukatpally


What’s the Treatment You Will Get at Fever Hopsital?

Treatment varies depending on the cause of the illness. General bacterial infections can be treated with an antibiotic course, whereas treatment for viral infections depends on the type of virus responsible. As antibiotics do not affect viral infections, the treatment is focused on relieving the symptoms. Some chronic illnesses related to fever, such as tonsillitis, might require surgery.

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