Emergency Services in Kukatpally
Many times few moments of right action can be decisive between life and death. When the emergency response team is efficient and active, many lives can be saved and hence trauma and pain for many families. Anupama Hospitals has such quick responding casualty and emergency services that lose no time in reaching out to the needy. You can find the Best emergency services in Kukatpally only at our hospitals, as we have high standards of emergency care and follow all the stipulated protocols so that our patients feel safe and cared for.

A dedicated team of emergency physicians from all the departments at the heck of the call 24/7 to attend to any patient admitted on emergency grounds. Our team is well trained in administering CPR, ventilation, and operating for emergency medical conditions. Our emergency wards, operation theatres, are located to minimize the transit time and hence the fatality rate. They are all equipped with all modern facilities like nebulizers, defibrillators, cardiac monitors, ECGs, etc so that the emergency procedures do not fall short in any aspect.