The liver is the most neglected organ of the body when it comes to preventive care to keep it healthy and functioning. It is called the silent organ because the liver disease symptoms do not manifest until the disease progresses into advanced stages. By the time you notice the symptoms, it is too late to repair the damage. Therefore, it is crucial to take certain symptoms as warning signs and visit Anupama Hospitals immediately.
Symptoms of liver diseases
- Yellowish skin and eyes (jaundice)
- Swelling in abdomen and legs
- Dark urine or pale stools
- Fatigue
- Poor appetite
- Nausea and vomiting
What is liver disease?
The liver is the largest internal organ that lies on the right-hand side of the body. Its main functions are purifying the toxins from the blood, making proteins, clotting blood, controlling blood sugar and hormonal levels, breaking down fats, alcohol, and medications. Disruption in the liver’s normal function can cause any of the mild to severe symptoms mentioned above. When you have a damaged liver, your body becomes sluggish and experiences chronic fatigue.

Causes of liver failure
Many factors can cause liver damage. Genetic factors, alcoholism, obesity and viral infections can damage the liver, causing different conditions. When you practice an unhygienic diet and sexual habits, there is a tendency to catch diseases like Hepatitis A, B and C. Autoimmunity is a condition wherein the overactive immune system attacks the healthy body organs. It can cause scarring and inflammation of the liver. In severe cases, it might require a liver transplant. Cancers that spread from other body organs infect the liver and bile ducts, causing carcinogenic conditions.

When to see a doctor?
Cirrhosis, mostly caused by alcoholism, is a common type of liver disease in India. Though the symptoms mentioned above show liver disease, they might result from other conditions as well. Certain subtle symptoms can be sure signs of the presence of liver disease.
Itchy Skin: When the bile duct is blocked, the bile stagnates and flows back into the blood, accumulating under the skin. This abnormality causes itchy skin.
Bruising and bleeding: The liver plays an important role in clotting blood. When the production of proteins required to clot your blood is disrupted, you bruise easily and bleed heavily after an injury.
Bad breath: Bad breath, which is fruity, musky smelling caused by high dimethyl sulfide, can show damaged liver.
Blemishes on skin: Brown pigmentation on the face or body can occur when Oestrogen levels are higher than normal.
Red Palms: Abnormal hormone levels in the blood can cause a condition known as palmar erythema. It can be a suggestive symptom of liver disease.
Difficulty in focusing: Dysfunctional liver causes brain fog, resulting in a lack of concentration and mental clarity. In the long term, you can face the risk of slipping into a coma.
Liver Treatment Hospital in Kukatpally
Risk factors
If you are an alcohol addict or suffer from obesity, you need to keep yourself on guard for liver diseases. Sharing needles while injecting drugs, diabetes can also put you at risk of liver diseases.
Liver diseases show no symptoms in the early stages. It makes it difficult for the patients to suspect the condition through visible signs. A blood test and a thorough physical examination for clotting (coagulopathy), jaundice, and inflammation help doctors detect liver diseases. After physical examination, the doctor may suggest few imaging tests such as MRI, CT scan or ultrasonogram of the abdomen to confirm the condition.
Depending on the diagnosis, the treatment may vary from helping you make certain lifestyle changes, such as losing weight and stopping alcohol consumption. Sometimes doctors can cure certain conditions simply by treating the symptoms and might prescribe medication or surgery in certain moderate and severe cases.