Best Hirschsprung’s Disease treatment Hospital in kukatpally
Hirschsprung disease or congenital megacolon disease is a digestive condition in newborn babies. In some babies, the ganglion cells do not migrate to the rectum. The absence of these cells obstructs the large bowel. Newborn babies suffer from digestive and excretory disorders because of this condition. In some cases, it occurs due to genetic disorders, while in others it can occur due to diet taken by the mother or any illness she had during the pregnancy
• Delay in passing meconium, a dark poop in newborns for more than 24 hrs.
• Abnormal bowel movements with abdominal distention and vomiting
• Chronic constipation in case of older children
• Bloody diarrhea

The following diagnostic tests are used to identify the disease:
1. Contrast enema: Also called a barium enema, barium which acts as a dye is pumped into the intestine via a tube through the rectum. The dye-coated internal organs are visible through an X-ray.
2. Abdominal X-ray: X-ray taken from different angles helps the doctor identify if the child’s intestine is blocked.
3. Biopsy: The doctor takes out a sample of tissue from the child’s rectum. Doctors use the sample tissue to find if the child has the disease.
4. Anorectal manometry:
5. It involves inflating a balloon in the rectum to see whether the muscles in the area respond
Hirschsprung’s Disease treatment Hospital in kukatpally
Surgery is the ultimate solution for Hirschsprung’s disease. Depending on the severity of the condition, the doctors may apply any of the following procedures.
• Pull-through procedure: Surgeons cut the part with missing nerve cells and connect the remaining of the intestine directly to the anus.
• Ostomy surgery:
• It involves routing the intestine to an opening made in the body to excrete poop and gas. It is a temporary procedure that doctors use until the child’s body develops fully for a pull-through procedure